
We have prepared 2 or 3 files for the tomography inversion:

  • Input parameter file

  • Travel-time data file

  • Surface topography file (optional)

Command surfatt_tomo

The surfatt_tomo command performs the surface wave tomography inversion based on the travel-time data and input parameter files. The surface topography file is optional and can be used to consider the topography effect in the inversion. The command is called as follows:

 Usage: surfatt_tomo -i para_file [-f] [-h]
 Adjoint-state travel time tomography for surface wave
 required arguments:
  -i para_file  Path to parameter file in yaml format
 optional arguments:
  -f            Forward simulate travel time for surface wave instead of inversion, defaults to False
  -h            Print help message


In the previous sections, we have prepared the travel-time data file src_rec_file_ph.csv, the input parameter file input_params.yml and the topography file We can now perform the surface wave tomography inversion using the surfatt_tomo command under 8 processes:

mpirun -np 8 surfatt_tomo -i input_params.yml